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If there is no activity during this time, you will need to log in again.
All fields are required except where noted
BCBSKS Member First Name
BCBSKS Member Middle Initial
BCBSKS Member Last Name
Member ID Number
Provider Name
Patient First Name
Patient Middle Initial
Patient Last Name
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas verifies whether or not our members have duplicate coverage. To ensure timely claims processing, please answer the following:
Is the member, or any family member, enrolled in other health insurance (not Medicare, SRS/Medicaid) for medical or dental expenses?
We also attempt to verify if injuries, carpel tunnel, heart attacks, hernias and back problems are eligible to be covered by worker's compensation or auto insurance. If the visit is related to an injury or one of the conditions described above, please answer the following questions.
Is there an accident or onset of symptoms?
Coordinating benefits places responsibility with the proper carrier, which helps keep rates lower for our customers.